
The Geese Lie Between

He wanted that stick. Henry had always had an insatiable drive for sticks. He loved every little thing about them. To start, they were always outside, and he loved to be outside. He ached to get a stick in his mouth, to discover, hunt, retrieve, and be master of the small, wooden object. This stick, though, this stick would be a challenge. He was in a new place, not the well-groomed park where he usually walked. Not the manicured neighborhoods nestled within the small lake town in which he lived with his family. No, this place was different. This place was terrible. It was hot. Henry didn't like the heat. He had black hair and naturally high body temperature, so high temperatures caused him to overheat very quickly. He could feel his heartbeat quicken. He could see the stick. It was so close. But what lay between him and his treasure was nothing short of a nightmare. Henry didn't like water, and geese didn't like Henry. To get to his stick, his prize, he would have to conqu...

Let's Begin

She wanted to write a story. She believed that there was magic in the way that words on a page can connect one person to another, and she wanted to try, just try, to humbly step into the web of words that come together to create stories that then move from person to person, creating more thoughts and sharing experiences and emotions in a wider world of human existence. With the clear understanding that it would take time, patience, practice, and dedication, she began with a simple goal of writing one short story a day. One story. As short or as long as it would be. The goal being to simply begin. She sat down at her computer, her trusty Macbook Pro that was her primary tool for so many functions in her life - work, entertainment, art, music. She pulled up her Google account, clicked into the Blogger feature, and with an almost imperceptible smile and a quick flutter of excitement, selected New Blog. It was an action so small and seemingly unimportant, but to her, it meant something w...